Monday, May 24, 2010

Facebook Fluff: Zuckerberg Responds to Privacy Concerns

I was just getting ready to publish my new post when I came across an interesting piece of news on Twitter and thought I'd do a quick follow-up post to my original Facebook posts.

In an article published this morning in the Washington Post,  Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg responds to the onslaught of Facebook privacy concerns.  From Facebook, answering privacy concerns with new settings. 

I read the article and while Mr. Zuckerberg makes a good show of making the privacy controls within Facebook easier, and easier control of how you share information with other users, I do not find where he has changed the actual issues regarding the Privacy Policy or Statement of Rights and Responsibilities...

Of note: The article is authored by Mark Zuckerberg and the Washington Post Chairman is a member of the Board of Directors of Facebook.

Great piece of fluff!


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