Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanks Listing

Day #7

As I have been searching the internet looking for all things pertaining to Thanksgiving, I have read so many Top Ten Things I am Thankful For or Top 100 lists.  There is such a variety of thankful lists out there!  I can’t remember where I read it, but one lady was even thankful that her long-time, therapist would have the day off on Thanksgiving to spend with her family and could focus on her family rather than fixing other people. Despite my opinions about "long-term therapists," I thought to myself, how very thoughtful!

So, I thought I would encourage my readers to take a moment sometime in the next seven days to do your own.  It is a great exercise to help change attitudes, focus, and thinking to a much more positive one.  Of course, I could not ask you to do what I had not actually done myself, so I thought I would do a type of daily thanksgiving list of the little things we may take for granted.  The biggies are obvious: faith, family friends, health, home, etc., but the lists I have  read went way beyond that.  So let’s just go through the day:

  1. I am thankful for my cell phone which doubles as my alarm clock.  
  2. I am thankful for texting because I do not have the luxury or inclination to spend much time on the phone. 
  3. I am thankful for indoor plumbing and running water
  4. I am thankful for coffee!
  5. I am thankful for my treadmill and for Zumba! 
  6. I am thankful for my computers and the blogging community and email. 
  7. I am thankful I hopped off the Facebook crazy train because I am watching people abuse it and quickly lose touch with reality by doing things they wouldn’t normally do in real life.  It's getting kinda creepy!
  8. I am thankful for food. I love to cook and I love to eat! Thankfulness includes all the tools that help keep us fed: refrigerator, freezer and stove, small appliances.
  9. I am thankful for medical equipment and ability to care for and meet my mom’s needs at home, and the place and people who assist in taking care of our 87-year old family friend. 
  10. I am thankful for naps. 
  11. I am thankful for stores & local businesses. 
  12. I am thankful for my dog. 
  13. I am thankful for television and music.  

Hmmm.  I can see how once you begin, your Top Ten List can quickly turn into a Top 50 or Top 100 list!  There are a miriad of other things pertaining to my day that I can think of as well! 

Most of what you may list or think of may make sense only to you, but it reaffirms the fact that with just the slightest effort, we can change our outlook/attitude for the day simply by being thankful!

Try it!  It doesn’t take long and it yields wonderful benefits!   You have 7 days to make your Thanks Listing!  Let me know how you do!

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