Friday, April 22, 2011

The Shadow of the Cross: Part IV

I Know A Place...

Jesus, having walked in the shadow of the cross, was about to present Himself as the sacrificial lamb, the sin offering for the world - for you and for me. This final offering would bring an end to the need for the Passover Feast and the many other ceremonies that for 4,000 years had pointed to His death. In its place, Jesus instituted a new service that was to be the memorial of His great sacrifice. This was to be observed by His followers in all lands and through all ages.

The ordinance of the Lord's Supper. 
The breaking of the bread and the drinking of the wine.

"My body which is broken for you.

My blood which is spilled for you.

Do this in remembrance of me…"

In the shadow of the cross, Jesus remained a servant of servants. He came to minister to others, not be ministered to. He taught by example the humble attitude in service we are to give to one another by  washing the feet of His disciples - even His betrayer -  on the very night of His betrayal.  He demonstrated ultimate selflessness on the cross where He gave His life for the redemption, forgiveness and freedom of humanity from the power of hell.

So now, we may come to the table to meet with Christ.

We remember how great His love is for us - so great that He gave His life.

We remember His sacrifice and death - and they become the center of our hope and faith.

We remember.

And we no longer stand in the shadow of the cross - instead we stand in its saving light! 

Hey! I know a place... a wonderful place!  
Will you come with me today?

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