Friday, May 20, 2011

Ciao World!?!

I have to admit.  

My mother just came home from the hospital on Tuesday, so I have not been as diligent about watching the news and keeping up with Twitter and Alexa Top Stories for a couple of weeks. My distraction is also evidenced by my lack of posts to this blog. My apologies.


Miss a week or two of CNN and you find out that you have less than a day to live before the world is going to end. So much to do and I am just too tired.  Oh well, at least I got the house cleaned today.

I wondered why The History Channel was running survival programming all day!
In retrospect, I was given clues all day - I just didn't pay attention.  

Finally, at about 7:00pm this evening, it all clicked.  Someone said Jesus was coming back tomorrow to rapture the church, and there would a global earthquake, and if you weren't fortunate enough be taken in the rapture, you would spend the next 5 months suffering unimaginable happenings here on earth until the end of the world as we know it comes on October 21, 2011.

Well, I personally do not believe the rapture will happen tomorrow, but I do  believe it will happen someday.  I doubt we'll have time to sell I Survived the Rapture t-shirts, put up Save the Date billboards or bank cash from other rapture paraphernalia. 

I could be wrong though.  

(In which case, may I thank you all now for your faithful reading, following and comments on my blog.)

I dunno.  Jesus wasn't really a Hollywood glam, billboard, showcase kinda guy.  Extraordinarily large angels, trumpets, thunder, earth-shaking, blink-of-an-eye THAT'S how God does it!

So, what's the lesson learned for the day? 

Personally, I can only hope that I stay more tuned in to God on a daily basis, than I have been to CNN and Twitter! How about you?

"Take heed, watch and pray, for you do not know when the time is."
- Mark 13:33

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