Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How To Change The Banner of Your Life

Banners are generally used to advertise or identify people or groups of people (tribes, military or political parties) or to declare the standards or purposes of groups or individuals.  According to Webster, a banner is: 

1)  anything regarded or displayed as a symbol of principles; 
2) the ensign or the like bearing some device, motto or slogan as one carried in religious, political or military processions; or 
3)  a degree or level of requirement, excellence, or attainment.

Whether we realize it or not, we all carry a banner of our lives around with us.  Not a literal streamer or flag banner, but a banner of our beliefs, standards and principles.  Our life banners are displayed by every thought we think, the words we speak and every action we take.  So, in the spirit of the CapitalOne Credit Card commercial I have to ask,

What’s on your banner?

As the great quote by… well... no one really seems to know who said it, says:

Watch your thoughts, they become words. 
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits. 
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Essentially, the banner of your life is an advertisement or display of your character declared by your thoughts, words and actions.

A couple of years ago I was doing a study and stumbled upon this concept.  The first thing I noticed was that in some areas, there was a gap between what I desired my life banner to be and what it actually was. So, in order to effect the change, it is very important to evaluate oneself honestly.  

Exactly what is the purpose of this humbling little exercise?  Not so that we condemn ourselves for not measuring up to the standards we set for ourselves. Nor that we should disproportionately praise ourselves for our accomplishments.  Rather that we may achieve a healthy level of balance in our lives that truly reflects who we are and all that we aspire to be.  If we are pursuing excellence in our life banner, then it is both necessary and helpful to periodically evaluate our current state of being with the standard we desire to attain.

Here are some ideas of negative or “need to work on” attributes:

*procrastination    *manipulation    *nagging    *unforgiveness    *unmerciful     *spiteful     *complaining        *laziness    *hypercritical     *slacker     *negligent
*profane speech    *pride   *selfish     *gossip    *lazy mind     *mean    *lying     *rebellion     *defiance     *lack of self-respect     *lack of discipline     *excess (food, alcohol, etc.)    
*lack of physical exercise
Now, let’s look at some positive attributes which, of course, will be virtually the opposite of the above:

*achiever     *doer     *straightforward     *sincere     *grateful     *active
     *enthusiastic     *forgiving     *humble     *confident     *mentally fit     
*physically fit     *faithful     *hopeful     *purposeful     *diligent     *merciful     *respectful     *disciplined     *compassionate     *truthful     *loving     *kind     *peaceful     *orderly     *happy     *genuine

So, which characteristics would you like to see flying high on your life banner?  Which ones are actually flying on your life banner?  Let’s take a look at a couple of suggestions on how to bring the two more in line with each other.

1.    Make a list of the characteristics you would like to be displayed on your life banner.  Use the example lists above as a guideline and add any of your own.

2.    Evaluate what is actually being displayed on your life banner now by your thoughts, words and actions.  This takes time so make sure you set aside some quiet time for this part.  Be honest with yourself.  This is not always a pleasant exercise but don’t run from what you discover about yourself.  Instead, see it as an opportunity for change and growth!

3.    Choose the most important or urgent characteristics you want to change.  Start with just one or two (just one if it’s a doozie) so that you are not overwhelmed.  You know what areas you need improvement in, but if you are not sure, your family and friends are usually very happy to point out your banner flaws, God bless ‘em…

4.    Take about a week and just observe YOU – without judgment.  You should be able to tell how often and in what situations these banner qualities fly high so that you can easily recognize them at any level. 

5.    Pray.  Be humble. Ask for forgiveness if necessary, grace and help.

6.    Just Do it!  Develop the habit!  In essence, move in the opposite direction of the negative attribute, or move toward attaining a higher level of excellence in a positive one.

Just make sure you are moving!

If it is excess, start cutting back. 

If it is anger, identify the source and make a conscious effort to change the way you react. 

If it is procrastination, then it’ll probably be a while before you get around to doing your evaluation.   No worries.  Once you get around to it, start doing just one thing a day the moment you think of it – no waiting. 

Is it fear?  Make a bold move toward your fear.  More often than not you will find your fears are unfounded. Don’t let the best of life pass you by because of fear! Exercise faith! 

Is it physical exercise? Close your browser after you read this and go for a walk or dust off your treadmill and do 10-20-30 minutes! Your screen saver will barely have come on by the time you come back to it and the Internet will still be there when you’re done – I promise!

Is it complaining or nagging?  Start being mindful of your attitude and words – both toward yourself and others. Speak to people's potential rather than their flaws.  Remember, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so, if you need a heart change, only the God who makes hearts can change them.  So, if you need to, go back to that place of prayer and ask for help. Remember, persistent prayer is a habit of the soul.

You get the idea.

8. Be kind to yourself.  This is a progressive, life-long exercise.  You will not succeed at changing everything right away but if you struggle with something, be persistent and develop the discipline.  Whatever you do, do not give up.  Make it a habit to pursue a display of excellence in your life’s banner. 

As Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s said,

If you are green, you’re growing, 
if you are ripe, you’re rotting.
I’d much rather be working on my imperfections and growing, 
than think that I have arrived and be rotting!

As you pursue a life banner of excellence, may you find 
joy the journey along the way!

Now get out there and fly your banner high!


Next Post: The Art of Simmering


  1. Like this idea of a life banner

  2. You have written the message very well indeed. Bravo! I am sure many people will benefit from your sharing. I am very sure indeed.
