Everything in nature has a purpose. Everything.
Even the long stringy things in bananas have a purpose. Aside from being an annoyance to remove every time you peel a banana, the purpose of those annoying long stringy things called Phloem Bundles (pronounced Flom) is to carry nutrients to all parts of the banana during the growth process. Once its purpose is served, the phloem bundles make bananas one of the world’s most perfect and nutritionally complete foods. The banana can then serve its purpose by being consumed by animals (including us) for the enjoyment and benefit of our bodies. Without the long stringy things, all you would have is a flavorful mushy edible treat that has no value when consumed.
The majority of nature functions without the ability or need to question its purposes or subsequent use. Nature simply is, and nature simply does, so the final product of nature apart from any outside tampering, is consistently as it should be according to its creation and purpose.
Knowing that little nugget of information begs the question: why then, if human beings are part of nature, is purpose so elusive and hard to define in most lives?
Even the long stringy things in bananas have a purpose. Aside from being an annoyance to remove every time you peel a banana, the purpose of those annoying long stringy things called Phloem Bundles (pronounced Flom) is to carry nutrients to all parts of the banana during the growth process. Once its purpose is served, the phloem bundles make bananas one of the world’s most perfect and nutritionally complete foods. The banana can then serve its purpose by being consumed by animals (including us) for the enjoyment and benefit of our bodies. Without the long stringy things, all you would have is a flavorful mushy edible treat that has no value when consumed.
The majority of nature functions without the ability or need to question its purposes or subsequent use. Nature simply is, and nature simply does, so the final product of nature apart from any outside tampering, is consistently as it should be according to its creation and purpose.
Knowing that little nugget of information begs the question: why then, if human beings are part of nature, is purpose so elusive and hard to define in most lives?