What happened during the week prior to Christ’s crucifixion on the Cross?
Have you ever pondered that question? His own disciples had no idea at the time. They were excited when Jesus entered Jerusalem because they were certain he was there to assert His power and take His position on the throne of David. Their King was entering the city to release them from the oppressive Roman rule, and restore Israel to its former glory!
However, Jesus knew when He entered Jerusalem on what we now celebrate as Palm Sunday, He was there to fulfill his paschal duties – He was about to become the sacrificial lamb of Passover, as the sin offering for the world.
He knew he was about to suffer the most egregious, undignified, painful torture and death – the humiliating death of a common criminal. Adding insult to injury – the legal proceeding which would condemn him to that terrible death would be one of the most ill-legal, botched trials in history. The voluntary execution of God by design.
Have you ever pondered that question? His own disciples had no idea at the time. They were excited when Jesus entered Jerusalem because they were certain he was there to assert His power and take His position on the throne of David. Their King was entering the city to release them from the oppressive Roman rule, and restore Israel to its former glory!
However, Jesus knew when He entered Jerusalem on what we now celebrate as Palm Sunday, He was there to fulfill his paschal duties – He was about to become the sacrificial lamb of Passover, as the sin offering for the world.
He knew he was about to suffer the most egregious, undignified, painful torture and death – the humiliating death of a common criminal. Adding insult to injury – the legal proceeding which would condemn him to that terrible death would be one of the most ill-legal, botched trials in history. The voluntary execution of God by design.
The shadow of the cross.
What a tragic triumph it would be.
Let's begin our contemplation toward Resurrection/Easter Sunday together, and perhaps...well perhaps we just might arrive there with a little different perspective than the usual...
The nails that caused God’s blood to flow
From Jesus’ hands and feet,
That poured atoning power for us -
(I wonder, how those nails did look,
(I wonder, how those nails did look,
So big and thick and strong?
They must have been to hold the King
Upon the cross so long!)
Did He know even as a child
The nails He used to build,
Would some day pin Him to a tree –
(I wonder, how those nails did look,
(I wonder, how those nails did look,
So big and thick and strong?
They must have been to hold the King
Upon the cross so long!)
And to this day His hands still bear
The scars caused by those nails,
And yet He holds them out to us-
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