Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Shadow of the Cross - Part II

Palm Sunday - The Triumphal Entry of Jesus

Never before in His earthly life had Jesus permitted such a demonstration of admiration as He did during His entry into Jerusalem for the Passover. Until now, Jesus had always traveled on foot, and His disciples probably wondered why He now chose to ride. But they were full of hope that he was about to enter the capital, proclaim Himself King and assert His royal power.

Jesus followed the Jewish custom for royal entry.  The animal on which He rode was ridden by kings of Israel and prophecy had foretold that the Messiah should come to His kingdom. No sooner was he seated upon the colt than a loud shout of triumph filled the air. The multitude hailed Him as their Messiah and King.

"Hosanna! Hosanna!  Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" 

They didn't have costly gifts to present Him during His entry,  so they laid their outer garments along with olive and palm branches on the path.

The multitude rejoiced that their hour of emancipation from Roman oppression was at hand.

Jesus knew what they did not -

His royal entry into Jerusalem would bring Him to the cross...

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