Sunday, May 29, 2011

United States of America Memorial Day

We Remember...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ciao World!?!

I have to admit.  

My mother just came home from the hospital on Tuesday, so I have not been as diligent about watching the news and keeping up with Twitter and Alexa Top Stories for a couple of weeks. My distraction is also evidenced by my lack of posts to this blog. My apologies.


Miss a week or two of CNN and you find out that you have less than a day to live before the world is going to end. So much to do and I am just too tired.  Oh well, at least I got the house cleaned today.

I wondered why The History Channel was running survival programming all day!
In retrospect, I was given clues all day - I just didn't pay attention.  

Finally, at about 7:00pm this evening, it all clicked.  Someone said Jesus was coming back tomorrow to rapture the church, and there would a global earthquake, and if you weren't fortunate enough be taken in the rapture, you would spend the next 5 months suffering unimaginable happenings here on earth until the end of the world as we know it comes on October 21, 2011.

Well, I personally do not believe the rapture will happen tomorrow, but I do  believe it will happen someday.  I doubt we'll have time to sell I Survived the Rapture t-shirts, put up Save the Date billboards or bank cash from other rapture paraphernalia. 

I could be wrong though.  

(In which case, may I thank you all now for your faithful reading, following and comments on my blog.)

I dunno.  Jesus wasn't really a Hollywood glam, billboard, showcase kinda guy.  Extraordinarily large angels, trumpets, thunder, earth-shaking, blink-of-an-eye THAT'S how God does it!

So, what's the lesson learned for the day? 

Personally, I can only hope that I stay more tuned in to God on a daily basis, than I have been to CNN and Twitter! How about you?

"Take heed, watch and pray, for you do not know when the time is."
- Mark 13:33

Monday, May 2, 2011


So, last night while I was trying my best to escape reality by watching one of my favorite un-"reality" shows, Celebrity Apprentice, the NeNe vs. Star Jones smackdown was interrupted with the announcement that Osama bin Laden had been captured and killed in a military operation carried out by American Troops in Pakistan.

Admittedly, I fell asleep while waiting for President Obama to make his appearance and announcement, so I am just catching up on the details this morning. 

First, let me say that my heart goes out to every individual and family whose lives have been adversely affected by the unfathomable mass murder and destruction initiated by Osama bin Laden over the years.  In places such as Kenya, Tanzania, Yemen, Somalia, Saudi Arabia and, of course, the 9/11 attack here in the United States, my prayer is that there will be some sense of justice, closure and healing for those who have been tragically impacted by Osama's murderous career. 

A most humble thanks to the U.S. and Allied forces who have fought tirelessly, particularly this past decade, to bring an end to Osama bin Laden's segment of  the perpetuation of hatred and terrorism.  To the countless men and women who have served their countries and the common cause of peace bravely, I say thank you.

While I still have some catching up to do on the details of this historical news, I pray the world does not get lulled into a false sense of peace as a result of bin Laden's death.  The ideology of hatred is alive and well, with many faces, and the battle against his type of extremism must continue. May we continue to work and pray diligently for peace among every nation and every people, and for the well-being of the military and civilians who give their lives in service to the common cause of peace and liberation worldwide. 

'Nuff said for now.  Back to unreality as I Hulu last night's episode of Celebrity Smackdown.

May the news of the demise of Osama bin Laden be embraced in whatever manner seems appropriate to each of you individually, as families, and as nations as we humbly give pause to this momentary victory over extremism, hatred and prejudice.

An historical moment indeed...