I previously did a series on Reinventing Middle Age that was fun and yet emphasized the positive aspects of navigating through mid-life issues; health, REALationships, psychology and other issues. Not only was it fun to write and research, but it helped some of you as well as myself make positive, more healthy decisions in this season of life.
A new development has occurred in my middle-aged journey though, and I'd like to share with you. It is a topic that I'm sure is on every middle-aged person's mind...when they can remember it.
It is the dreaded middle-aged memory issue.
The idea to include middle-aged memory in my Reinventing Middle Age series came to me one particular morning when preparing breakfast (I can't remember how long ago...possibly a couple of months). I reached into the cupboard to get the cooking oil, and instead, I found a half-gallon of milk.
My first reaction was extreme annoyance that one of the other family members had been absent-minded when putting the milk in the cupboard instead of the refrigerator. "Great," I said, "Someone just wasted a half-gallon of milk!" I huffed it over to the sink and promptly dumped it down the drain. Far too annoyed to speak, I continued on with the breakfast preparation, and tried to think of how long it must have been in there and who used it last. My strategy was to interrogate each of the two primary suspects in this mindless household crime to see which one had a late-night bowl of cereal or other snack involving milk.
Unfortunately, my stealth interrogation yielded no confession. The other family members appeared just as perplexed as I was at this mystery crime. In fact, they even found it comical which annoyed me even more. But, before breaking out the CSI Crime Scene Junior Investigating Kit to dust for fingerprints, or the Spy Gear Lie Detector Kit, I thought I would take another approach. I was determined to get a confession and scold accordingly.
However, the investigation took a surprising turn when, before I could finish cooking breakfast, my middle-aged memory kicked in and I remembered that I had used the milk to make mashed potatoes the night before for dinner. If the others had truly not used the milk after that - it could only mean one thing...
My first reaction was extreme annoyance that one of the other family members had been absent-minded when putting the milk in the cupboard instead of the refrigerator. "Great," I said, "Someone just wasted a half-gallon of milk!" I huffed it over to the sink and promptly dumped it down the drain. Far too annoyed to speak, I continued on with the breakfast preparation, and tried to think of how long it must have been in there and who used it last. My strategy was to interrogate each of the two primary suspects in this mindless household crime to see which one had a late-night bowl of cereal or other snack involving milk.
Unfortunately, my stealth interrogation yielded no confession. The other family members appeared just as perplexed as I was at this mystery crime. In fact, they even found it comical which annoyed me even more. But, before breaking out the CSI Crime Scene Junior Investigating Kit to dust for fingerprints, or the Spy Gear Lie Detector Kit, I thought I would take another approach. I was determined to get a confession and scold accordingly.
However, the investigation took a surprising turn when, before I could finish cooking breakfast, my middle-aged memory kicked in and I remembered that I had used the milk to make mashed potatoes the night before for dinner. If the others had truly not used the milk after that - it could only mean one thing...
I truly did not remember doing that!
Thus was born the idea to address the issue of middle-aged memory as part of my Reinventing Middle Age series.
On a lighter note, being the youngest one in the household has its advantages. A couple days later someone found the dry cereal in the refrigerator rather than the cupboard and I did not do that one, so apparently I am not the only one who suffers memory lapses around here.
So, I will be addressing the issue of memory in middle age in upcoming posts. Stay tuned for more fun and frivolity as we take both a comical and realistic look at memory issues for middle-agers and what we can do to help ourselves navigate through this challenge while travleing through this season of life!
So, I will be addressing the issue of memory in middle age in upcoming posts. Stay tuned for more fun and frivolity as we take both a comical and realistic look at memory issues for middle-agers and what we can do to help ourselves navigate through this challenge while travleing through this season of life!
Hey. If you don't see a post from me for a while, please send me an email and remind me to continue...