Monday, May 31, 2010

Facebook's Response to Privacy Control Issues

Cartoon used with permission from:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Facebook Fluff: Zuckerberg Responds to Privacy Concerns

I was just getting ready to publish my new post when I came across an interesting piece of news on Twitter and thought I'd do a quick follow-up post to my original Facebook posts.

In an article published this morning in the Washington Post,  Facebook's CEO Zuckerberg responds to the onslaught of Facebook privacy concerns.  From Facebook, answering privacy concerns with new settings. 

Friday, May 14, 2010

Porcupine People, Thorns in the Flesh, and Other Prickly Problems

Nearly one year ago, my family and I took in our beloved 86-year old childhood neighbor and friend. I had been trying for a few years prior to this transition to convince her to sell her home and move to a retirement community, but she had been in her house since she was adopted at the age of nine and it was understandably hard for her to leave. Her adopted mother passed away in 1982, and she had no family of her own. Her home was all she had. We eventually learned that the local police had been called to her home quite frequently, so they ultimately reported her to Adult Protective Services. Desiring to do the right thing out of gratitude for her kindness to three generations of our family, we brought her to live with us with the intention of nursing her back to her optimum health, helping to get her affairs in order and determining what the best living arrangements would be at such a time.

We had no idea what we were signing up for when we did.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Life Flashes: When Life Resembles An Episode of Lost

Have you ever experienced a life “flash” moment like those depicted in the television hit series Lost? You know, one day you’re simply going along in one direction, the flash happens, and suddenly you find yourself headed in a different direction? Doesn’t it remind you of the electromagnetic time continuum flashes that happen on Lost? Life flashes are the kind of colossal moments that make you want to bang your head against a hatch and say, “What in the*hecky-heck-heckfire* just happened here and what do I do now?” (*_*You may insert your own superlatives here or refer to Lost video in sidebar to the right.)

I am not going to attempt to postulate on quantum physics or parallel universalism theories by comparing the show’s flashes to real life flashes. Lucky for you, I know absolutely nothing about either one of those subjects. However, I have had a few real-life flash moments, so I do have some ideas about the process of surviving them.